

Please see below details of the keyholding system in place at Portsea Hall. We would encourage you to lodge your keys in the system, if you have not already done so.

Lodging your keys will enable on-site staff and / or contractors to access your flat, in your absence, in the event of an emergency, such as a major water leak or fire.

If we have access to your flat we should be able to stop any leak more quickly and therefore reduce the level of damage caused to your flat and that of your neighbours.

If we do not have access to your flat then, in your absence, access can only be gained by the emergency services who will break down the door, if necessary, to deal with any issue.

To lodge your keys, please complete the Lodgement Form below and return it to reception with your keys. Should you require further information on keyholding please contact the Building Manager – [email protected] – who will be happy to assist.

Keyholding System

Changes have been made to the key holding system to improve key security for residents.

We would remind you that there are two reasons for holding keys; the main being so that access can be gained to your property in the event of an emergency, the other to allow occasional access to your flat as and when you consent. We would strongly recommend that you lodge a spare set of keys with reception for use in the case of an emergency. If you do not do so, it may be necessary for the emergency services to break-in in the event of an emergency (eg. a serious water leak into a neighbouring flat). Please note that this service is available to both leaseholders and tenants.

Under the new system, your keys will be lodged in a locked key safe. The area will be monitored by CCTV. Your keys will be identifiable only by a unique code so that in the unlikely event of them being lost or stolen they will not be traceable to your flat.

Should you wish to lodge your keys, it will be necessary for you to complete the attached form and return it, with your keys, to reception.

In order to ensure the security of your keys and to make key holding as efficient as possible, the following system will be implemented:

  • The security office will only hand out keys to a third party with your prior written permission (permission to be given each time someone is going to collect the keys). The information can be sent by email to [email protected] or delivered by hand to reception. A release form is attached which contains all the required information to enable your keys to be released. Please note that keys will not be handed out to anyone involved in Short lets as this is a breach of the terms of the lease.
  • The person collecting the keys should provide some form of photo id when collecting the keys. It would also be helpful if they bring a copy of the release form with them.
  • Persons collecting keys will still be required to sign the visitors book on arrival / departure.
  • New tenants will still be required to produce copies of the documents required under the lease regulations.
  • Keys will available for collection or drop off at any time in the event of an emergency. However, normal collection/drop off times are daily between 7am and 11pm.
  • In the event that you require access to your own flat (due to locking yourself out), security will require formal id before releasing your keys to you. If you do not have id with you, they will accompany to your premises, let you in and then ask you for id.
  • We regret that we will no longer be able to hold keys for cleaners and would request that you provide your cleaner with a set of keys.
  • If your flat is being refurbished, or you/your contractor will need access to your keys on a daily basis over a protracted amount of time, we would suggest that you provide them with a set of keys for their use, rather than removing/returning the keys on a daily basis.
  • Reception will no longer be able to accept keys to give out keys on an ad-hoc basis.

Should you have any queries regarding this, please contact the Building Manager as above.